Display Real-Time Data

Enable to see the camera type, status and version of Payload

Currently, Pixy MR uses the same software PSDK with Pixy SM and appear with Pixy SM name, we will update the model name in next version

Stream Source

Pixy MR support two video stream mode

  • HDMI

  • USB

HDMI in this initial release has issues with video streaming codecs and will experience image distortion during use

USB stream mode is more stable but high latency and is recommended using for the mapping mission only.

After switch the stream mode, please scroll down and click reboot to change mode.

Focus Mode

Pixy MR support the focus mode for ILX-LR1 camera as following

Note: MF is recommended for mapping to avoid missing image due to outfocus.



Shutter Speed

Focus Area

Exposure Mode

Exposure Compensation

AWB Lock/Unlock & White Balance Mode

Still Capture

Last updated