Check communication with the workswell cameras
This information will provide instructions for checking communication with Workswell Wiris Enterprise cameras by Terminal for Pixy WE and Pixy WP
Last updated
This information will provide instructions for checking communication with Workswell Wiris Enterprise cameras by Terminal for Pixy WE and Pixy WP
Last updated
Camera Workswell and Gimbal.
DC conversion jack: 12V
Adapter: 12V
Coverter Uart FTDI Basic – 1
Terminal software tool Serial Debug Assistant + TCP/UDP download at Microsoft Store:
Port Name: COM4
Baud Rate: 115200
Data Bits: 8
Parity: None
Stop Bits: 1
Receive Settings: Hex display
Send Settings: Hex send
After connecting, wait 60 seconds for the device to boot stably.
The command checks the HIWS function and the response signal is OK.
Command (HIWS converts from ASCII code to Hex code) copy the hex code here:
02 05 00 48 49 57 53 0A 45 03
Answer (OK to convert from ASCII code to Hex code):
02 03 00 4F 4B 0A A4 03
The license activation check command for protocol control and response signals is TRUE.
Command (IACP converts from ASCII code to Hex code) copy hex code here:
02 06 00 49 41 43 50 0A 0A 31 03
Answer (TRUE converts from ASCII code to Hex code):
02 05 00 54 52 55 45 0A 4A 03
The command receives the WIRIS product code and the response signal is the product code WWS-800-S-256
Command (GATN converts from ASCII code to Hex code) copy hex code here
(02 05 00 47 41 54 4e 0a 34 03)
Answer ( WWS-800-S-256 converts from ASCII code to Hex code):
02 0E 00 57 57 53 2D 38 30 30 2D 53 2D 32 35 36 0A 1A 03
The command receives WIRIS firmware version and the response signal is 1.5.4
Command (GFWV converts from ASCII code to Hex code) copy hex code here
(02 05 00 47 46 57 56 0a 44 03)
Answer (1.5.4 convert from ASCII code to Hex code):
02 06 00 31 2E 35 2E 34 0A 00 03