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The DJI Smart Controller Enterprise supports two buttons: Gimbal Pan Control Dial and Gimbal Pitch Control Dial to control Pan and Pitch of the Gimbal. Besides, widgets are shown on the screens.
LEFT DIAL (18) controls the gimbal Pitch. Turn the dial to the right and the gimbal will shift to point upwards. Turn the dial to the left, and the gimbal will shift to point downwards. The camera will remain in its current position when the dial is static.
RIGHT DIAL (24) controls the gimbal Pan. Turn the dial to the right. And the gimbal will shift clockwise. Turn the dial to the left, and the gimbal will shift counterclockwise. The camera will remain in its current position when the dial is static.
Gimbal Orientation Adjustment (2): Tab to select the Gimbal Orientation Adjustment as Gimbal Recenter, Recenter Gimbal Yaw, Gimbal Yaw Downward or Gimbal Downward.
Gimbal Mode There are 2 choices Free-mode and Follow mode · Follow Mode: Yaw will follow the aircraft heading. · Free Mode: Meaning the gimbal can move independently of the aircraft's yaw. In this mode, even if the aircraft yaw changes, the gimbal will ignore the movement of aircraft.
Gimbal Pitch Smooth Start/Stop Smooth factor for gimbal controller, using to smooth control. The larger the value, the smoother gimbal movement is (higher latency response).
Max Gimbal Pitch Speed This controls the max speed percentage at which the gimbal pitch. A higher value means a faster-moving gimbal and a lower value means a slower gimbal.
Gimbal Yaw Smooth Start/Stop Smooth factor for gimbal controller, using to smooth control. The larger the value, the smaller the acceleration of gimbal.
Max Gimbal Yaw Speed This controls the max speed percentage at which the gimbal yaw. A higher value means a faster-moving gimbal and lower value means a slower gimbal.
TODO: List default params for specific camera. After mounting and connecting the gPort, gimbal, camera to the aircraft. It’s time to fine-tune some parameters for the best performance.
Axis Setting There are three choices: Pitch, Roll, Yaw.
Stiffness Stiffness setting has a significant impact on the performance of the gimbal. This setting adjusts the degrees the gimbal tries to correct for unwanted camera movement and hold the camera stable. The higher you can run the setting without vibration or oscillation, the better it is. General Method Start with a low value of 20 for all axes, then turn the motors ON. Slowly increase this setting until you feel an oscillation in each axis, then reduce it until the oscillation subsides. You can touch the camera to feel the oscillation during tuning. Increase the stiffness setting 5- 10 points until oscillation appears, then reduce 5 points until oscillation subsides.
Hold Strength For heavy cameras, it’s suggested to increase hold strength for each axis by around 10% than the default values. This option is only recommended for advanced users. Default Settings:
Gyro Filter Defines the strength of the filter applied to Gyro sensor output. If the gimbal has oscillation that cannot be corrected by adjusting stiffness settings, the Gyro Filter is used to further tune the gimbal and remove the oscillation.
Output Filter Define the strength of the filter applied to motor output. If the gimbal has oscillations that cannot corrected by adjust stiffness settings, the Output Filer is used to tune the gimbal and remove the oscillation. Vibration If the gimbal is vibrating at a high frequency after turning, increase the filter values. Oscillation or rocking If the gimbal is oscillating or rocking at a low frequency after tuning, decrease the filter values. Default Values:
· Mount gimbal to the aircraft with gPort.
· Power on the aircraft
· Connect USB cable from gPort to Mac/PC.
· Run the gTune Desktop Software
· In the software, select “Serial” option on “CONNECTION” tab
· Select the port in the list
· Click on the “CONNECT” button
· Click “Upgrade” button. The process will take about 2 minutes. When the firmware is upgraded successfully, the gimbal will be restarted automatically.
NOTE: · Only USB connection allows upgrading firmware. · Make sure Silab USB driver is already installed. The driver can be found at
· “Browse” to firmware file for your gimbal from your computer NOTE: Firmware version must be v7.5.7 or above
Hold Strength
Gyro Filter
Output Filter