Aevo Firmware version 804 Beta
05 - 05 - 2023
What's new?
[Add] Directly control for RC channel
[Change] Deadzone rate correspond with channel value
[Change] Channel value output similar to remote channel value
=> Channel value from -1000 to 1000 correspond to -100% to 100% on remote
=> Deadzone 0->100 correspond to 0->10% on remote or 100 / 1000.
[Change]Smooth compatible only with actual remote =>
100 = delay 8s,
50 = 4s, => Tdelay = ParamValue[SMOOTH]*8/100.
[Change] Using ExtiTime to detect SBUS, PPM, and JR automatically.
=> SBUS và JR is different by channel value T < 4000Us (Gap between 2 msg) is 42 and 48
=> PPM average duty >400Us;
[Add]control speed/angle.
[Fixed Bug] control error when changing remote type.
Led Status:
[Change] Sensor/Motor Error is solid LED.
[Add] Indicate gSDK connection via OSDK and PSDK.
[Change] Tilt & Roll increase power up 30%
[Add] Follow smoothness. Mode apply when:
Follow tilt windown = 0
Follow pan windown = 0
[Add] Debug [Change] Full mode control param
[Fixed Bug] Status lock/follow/mapping is not immediately changing.
[Fixed Bug] MSG frequency change
[Add] Command long : command = MAV_CMD_REQUEST_MESSAGE
Using this branch:
Need in file mavlink_control.cpp to check version:
case STATE_CHECK_FIRMWARE_VERSION: { Gimbal_Interface::fw_version_t fw = onboard.get_gimbal_version(); printf("FW Version: %d.%d.%d.%s\n", fw.x, fw.y, fw.z, fw.type); // This firmware only apply for the firmware version from v7.x.x or above // if (fw.x >= 7 && fw.y >= 5) { if (fw.x >= 7) { sdk.state = STATE_SETTING_GIMBAL; } else { printf("DO NOT SUPPORT FUNCTIONS. Please check the firmware version\n"); printf("1. MOTOR CONTROL\n"); printf("2. AXIS CONFIGURATION\n"); printf("3. MAVLINK MSG RATE CONFIGURATION\n"); } } break;
[[FixedBug] Return home mode which is not in the right position.
[FixedBug] Return home error cannot turn on gimbal
[Change] Default follow mode
gTune v1.4.9.1
12 - 08 - 2022
What's new?
Detect gimbal AEVO when connecting gTune Desktop to gimbal
Setting -> PAN ABS only AEVO
App gTune
Last updated