Last updated
Last updated
Control Mode:
Raw Input: Control Zio Payload by SBUS from gimbal.
Autopilot Convert: Control Zio Payload by SBUS from autopilot.
Image Capture: Select push button. Capture Image when pressing button.
Video record: Select push button. Pressing the first time will start record video, pressing the next time will stop recording video.
Zooming: Select stick with 3 states. 3 states: zoom tele, stop zoom, zoom wide.
Tilt: Select rotate button. Control tilt axis.
Roll: currently not in use.
Pan: Select rotate button. Control tilt axis.
Mode: Select stick with 3 states. 3 states correspond to 3 gimbal mode: OFF, LOCK, FOLLOW.
Return Home: Select push button. Gimbal returns home when press button.