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After completing the mission flight, remove the memory card mounted on the Pixy MR and Sony ILX-LR1.
Connect the Pixy MR memory card to the PC, open the folder geotag_log, and copy the latest Flight**.csv file to a folder on the computer.
For example: Flight_0006_20220804_052802.csv
Connect the camera's memory card to the PC, and copy the captured files (can refer to the name saved in the copied geotag_log file) to the folder containing the geotag file in step 7.
Open the Pix4d mapper software to proceed with creating the map.
Select the New project box to start a new project. Create project path Pix4d.
Click Next, -> Add Images box. Click on the link where the image files have been copy, and select all the files. Click Next -> message box of Pix4d appears -> click OK to continue.
In the Geolocation and Orientation section, click From File.
The geolocation file window appears, click on Latitude, Longitude, and Altitude in File Format as shown in the picture. Browse to the geotag file that was copied earlier.
Click Next to continue, select the parameters suitable for the mapping geography or you can leave the default according to the Pix4d software.
Click Next, and select 3D map in standard ink (Which can be changed depending on the user's purpose). And click on the Finish box.
Pix4d starts processing and integrating GPS location with the actual image. Depending on the number of images as well as the image quality, it can be done quickly or slowly.