Remote Control Modes

1. Setting channels on the Webserver app

  • Go to "Set Up Remote Channels" on the Webserver app.

  • Params explanation:

Control Mode:

  • Disable.

  • Raw Input: Control Zio Payload by SBUS from gimbal.

  • Autopilot Convert: Control Zio Payload by SBUS from autopilot.

Image Capture: Select push button. Capture Image when pressing button.

Video record: Select push button. Pressing the first time will start record video, pressing the next time will stop record video.

Zooming: Select stick with 3 states. 3 states: zoom tele, stop zoom, zoom wide.

Tilt: Select rotate button. Control tilt axis.

Roll: currently not in use.

Pan: Select rotate button. Control tilt axis.

Mode: Select stick with 3 states. 3 states corresponding to 3 gimbal mode: OFF, LOCK, FOLLOW.

Return Home: Select push button. Gimbal return home when press button.

Notes: If the channels will not be used, please set it to "-1".

2. Setup Ardupilot param.

  • Setting App: Select Disable in Control Mode

  • Set param Ardupilot:

    • RC6_OPTION: “214”

    • RC7_OPTION: “212”

    • RC8_OPTION: “213”

2.2 SBUS/PPM directly to gimbal.

Setting App:

  • Select Raw Input in Control Mode

  • Select the channel of the function to be controlled on App Setting.

2.3 SBUS/PPM from Autopilot SBUS-OUT

  • Select Raw Input in Control Mode

  • Set param Ardupilot:

    • BRD_SBUS_OUT: 50Hz (1)

    • BRD_SAFETY_MASK: 0 (Uncheck channel control)

    • RCx_OPTION: 0


X is the channel number you want to SBUS out

For Example: RC6_OPTION: 0, SERVO6_FUNTION: RCIN6 --> SBUS out channel 6.

  • Setting App:

    • Select Autopilot convert in Control Mode

    • Select the channel of the function to be controlled

  • Set param Ardupilot:

    • SR2_RC_CHAN: 10Hz

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