Change RTSP streaming parameters

1. Overview

  • This is a method to allow user can change the parameter of RTSP streaming from the Zio payload.

  • Software: v2.0.1.3 or higher, download link.

2. How to use

  • Create a "rtsp_stream.json" file to the top folder on the micro SDcard then plug into the Zio payloads.

  • Reboot to apply the settings.

  • The parameter will be default if the Zio payload can not detect the config file on the micro SDcard.

  • The default settings is:

    • Resolution: 1280x720

    • Bitrate: 4000000 (4M)

    • Port: 8554

    • Mount point: Zio

    • Autoconnect: Enable

3. The content of rtsp_stream.txt file.

    "resolution": "1",
    "bitrate": "4000000",
    "port": "8554",
    "mount point": "zio",
    "autoconnect": "enable"


  • "resolution": change RTSP resolution output (current not support).

  • "bitrate": change RTSP bitrate output (unit: bit).

  • "port": change port to RTSP URL (number).

  • "mount point": change mount point to RTSP URL (no spaces, no special characters).

  • "autoconnect": enable/disable request video stream information from autopilot.

4. Test command with gStreamer.

gst-launch-1.0 rtspsrc latency=0 location=rtsp://<zio_ip>:<zio_port>/<zio_mount_point> ! rtph264depay ! decodebin ! videoconvert ! autovideosink sync=false
  • Change the latency to 100 / 500/ 1000 then see the difference.

5. Convert dos2unix

  • If you create a rtsp_stream.json on a Windows machine, it must be converted to Unix system file style.

  • Please use the below tools to convert the file before putting it onto the micro SDcard.

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