Change RTSP streaming parameters
1. Overview
This is a method to allow user can change the parameter of RTSP streaming from the Zio payload.
Software: v2.0.1.3 or higher, download link.
2. How to use
Create a "rtsp_stream.json" file to the top folder on the micro SDcard then plug into the Zio payloads.
Reboot to apply the settings.
The parameter will be default if the Zio payload can not detect the config file on the micro SDcard.
The default settings is:
Resolution: 1280x720
Bitrate: 4000000 (4M)
Port: 8554
Mount point: Zio
Autoconnect: Enable
3. The content of rtsp_stream.txt file.
"resolution": change RTSP resolution output (current not support).
"bitrate": change RTSP bitrate output (unit: bit).
"port": change port to RTSP URL (number).
"mount point": change mount point to RTSP URL (no spaces, no special characters).
"autoconnect": enable/disable request video stream information from autopilot.
4. Test command with gStreamer.
Change the latency to 100 / 500/ 1000 then see the difference.
5. Convert dos2unix
If you create a rtsp_stream.json on a Windows machine, it must be converted to Unix system file style.
Please use the below tools to convert the file before putting it onto the micro SDcard.
Last updated