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HORIZONTAL TILT AXIS BALANCE When the proper front-back balance is achieved, the camera will stay level when you remove your hands. Tighten the lever of Tilt horizontal adjustment (Tilt front- back adjustment)
VERTICAL BALANCE ADJUSTMENT OF THE TILT AXIS When the proper vertical balance is achieved, you can rotate the camera in any angles and it will stay at that position.
1. Rotate the tilt axis so that the lens is pointing upward. Then, loosen both vertical adjustment thumbscrews, gently slide the camera mount crossbar forward and backward until the camera remains pointing upward when released.
2. Tighten the thumbscrew to lock the L-Bracket in position.
ADJUST THE BALANCE OF THE ROLL AXIS When the proper left-right roll balance is achieved, the camera will stay level when you remove your hands.
ADJUST THE BALANCE OF THE PAN AXIS Tilt the gimbal about 20 degrees from the verticality, identify if the gimbal is front heavy or back heavy. Slide the pan axis slider until the camera does not swing.
1. Loosen the thumbscrew, then gently slide the pan axis slider backward/ forward until it doesn’t swing and stay at any given position when released.
2. Tighten the thumbscrew to make sure pan axis slider is locked in position.