Setup Sony ILX-LR1
The Sony ILX-LR1 camera need to be configured properly Before operation with Pixy MR underneath DJI M300/M350 RTK.
Prepare for installation:
HDMI cord.
Power plug for Camera.
Screen to display Camera Monitor.
Setup Camera
Unlock power for Camera.
Unlock LOCK on Camera.
Turn the Mode Switch to photo mode.
Select USB mode to allow the camera to recognize USB devices.
SELECT MENU -> [SETUP] -> [USB] -> [USB Connection Mode] -> PC Remote
Select Camera mode to allow USB devices to control the camera.
SELECT MENU -> [Network] -> [Cnct./PC Remote] -> [PC Remote Function] -> [PC Remote] -> [On]
Change the image format of video record to NTSC
SELECT MENU → [Setup] → [Area/Date] → [NTSC/PAL Selector] → [Enter]
SELECT MENU → [Network] → [Streaming] → [USB Streaming] → [Output Res/Frame Rate] -> 1080p 30p
Last updated