Setup IP Address

1. Default IP address of Vio payload

  • The Vio payload will be ship with default IP address is:

  • There are two ways to setting an IP address for the Vio payload:

1.1 Setup an ip address via USB connection

  • Connect the USB type C port (at the bottom of the payload) to your computer by using an USB cable

  • The host computer will be recognize a new network adapter.

  • The host computer will be set a DHCP IP address at layer 55 by the Vio payload, its ip address will be

  • Check the connection by using command ping from your host PC.

  • Using the web browser to open the Vio payload Setting app, with the url

  • Open tab Set Up Static IP Address then input your required ip address

  • Click Apply and Reboot to reboot the Vio system to apply the new IP address

1.2 Change IP address via Ethernet connection

  • If you are done changing the IP address and have already connected the Vio payload to your system via Ethernet connection, You can change the url to connect to the Vio Setting app,http://<vio_ip>:8000

  • Do the same steps in Section 1.1, and then you can let Vio init with the new IP address.

2. Troubleshooting

2.1 The host PC running Windows can not recognize the Vio payload via USB connection

  • Its because the Windows platform was not fully compatible with the Vio platform

  • Please try to set a static ip address for the host PC,IP192.168.55.2

Last updated