Using OTA update

Process OTA Update Software for Zio Payloads and Vio Payloads.

1. Overview

  • This section will be used to do OTA software update for the Vio/Zio payload

  • The Vio payload support 2 ways to update their software: using GremsyFlashTools or using this feature

  • This feature will be connect to Gremsy server and download the latest software package.

  • The customer must make sure that the Vio/Zio payload was connected to the Internet before applying this feature.

2. Process OTA update

Step 1: Connect Vio/Zio to the Internet.

Step 2: Open "Update Payload Software"

  • The customer can see the current version of all apps in the Vio/Zio payload system before they deceide to do upgrade their Vio/Zio system.

Step 3: Click "Update" the "OK" to perform this feature.

Step 4: Wait for the download and update process to be successful.

  • The result of the OTA progress.

Step 5: Reboot the system after updating. The boot process can take 3-5 minutes for the system to update completely.

Note: do not turn off the power during the update process.

Step 6: App version information after successful update

Step 7: After successfully updating, select Setup Custom Models

Click Apply to apply 2 models, COCO and CUSTOM for Payload Vio. The service will be restarted then checked for object detection.

3. Troubleshooting

  • The notification only pop up when the host PC is connecting to the Setting app via USB.

  • In this case, the Vio/Zio payload has 2 connection: USB to the host PC and Ethernet to the Internet router

3.1 No internet connection

  • The Settings app will send a notify to the user when this problem was detected.

  • Please check the Internet connection for the Vio/Zio payload.

3.2 The Internet connection broken while the OTA progress performing

  • If the Internet connection to the Vio/Zio payload was not stable, a notify will be pop up and the OTA progress will be canceled.

  • Please check the Internet connection for the Vio/Zio payload and try again

3.3 Lost the power while the OTA progress performing

  • Please make sure the Vio/Zio payload will be not powered off while the OTA performing.

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